
Hey What's Up HELLO

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We have homes in

Northern & Southern California

...but will happily travel anywhere the blooms take us

E x T

E x T

Emily + Tyler's wedding in one word? DREAMY. Seriously- the whole day, a dream. Dream bride, dream coordinator, dream photographer. I love the personal design touches Jamie from Sitting in a Tree put together as a labor of love for her best friend. I love the special love between Tyler and Emily, and Emily although I didn't know her personally before the wedding- is one of the sweetest, most genuine welcoming brides I've had a pleasure of working with. And these photos from Amanda Vanvels- completely bonkers. I hope you enjoy and gawk at this wedding as much as I enjoyed being a part of it. 

P H O T O: Amanda VanVels Photography | C O O R D I N A T I O N & D E S I G N: Jamie Dodson of Sitting in a Tree | V E N U E: Lone Hawk Farm 

K x B

K x B